The West Central Community Action Agency (WCCAA) is a non-profit organization
dedicated to helping individuals in the community create a self-sufficient lifestyle for themselves through a variety of different programs. The WCCAA serves community members of Monona, Crawford, and Harrison County with a regular volunteer staff of 3. Throughout the past couple of years, the number of clients they serve has increased
similar to many other non-profit organizations due to the pandemic.
“We are always willing to help and be accommodating.” Amy Johnston, a staff member
at the West Community Action Agency says to the members of the community.
The food pantry located at the agency is open to clients of their Low Income Home
Energy Assistance Program and used to help assist until they can gain self-sufficiency
themselves. The pantry is open from Monday through Thursday from 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
The Food Bank of Siouxland is proud to have partnered with the West Central Community Action Agency and assist them in their goals in any way we can.