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Agency Highlight | Walthill Pantry and Whispering Roots Mobile Pantry

Food Bank of Siouxland

The Walthill Food Pantry and the Whispering Roots Mobile Pantry are both supported by Catholic Charities, serving Thurston County and the Omaha Indian Reservation. They operate with a regular staff of 7 and strive for 15-20 volunteers a week.

The Walthill Food Pantry is located in Thurston County and has been in operation for over a decade. The Whispering Roots mobile was added in November of 2021 as a partner of Catholic Charities with the goal of providing more perishable food items to the diets of those who were not getting enough for themselves.

Catholic Charities works toward the goal of self-sustainability, feeling that it is more valuable to help those in need by helping them to get back onto their feet in all aspects of their lives.

“Catholic Charities and Whispering Roots continue to establish relationships with the community members, town Elders, and Tribal council to understand the underlying needs of the community in an effort to empower self-sustainability through dignity and whole person nourishment,” says Mikaela, Director of Emergency and Supportive Food Services.

If you are interested in volunteering with this amazing organization contact Catholic Charities contact

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